Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Day I Came up with The Day I Stories

The first week in my homiletics class in Divinity School we had to give a basic speech so the professors and Teaching Fellow's could get an idea of how we were at public speaking before we began preaching. We had a couple prompts we could choose from to speak off of. That night my friend Selena and I went out to a coffee shop to study and decided to spend part of the time deciding what we would speak on. One of the prompts was, "the day I..." Slightly making fun of the assignment we began sharing stories of silly things we had done and trying to come up with the best, "the day I..." titles. My favorite titles I came up with were...

The day I Got Third Degree Burns from Syrup

The day I Ate Lamb Flavored Chips and Got Stopped by an Elephant

and...The day I Lost Texas.

1 comment:

Chamberlaine Beard said...

awww, this kind of makes me sad.

Allison, I hope things are well where you are. I hear you are being kept very busy! Best wishes for your growing youth group and especially with your big sermon coming up!